Months ago, Amy and I were given the challenge of organising Clevercherry's very first Company Day. After a lot of planning, secret keeping and worrying if we'd planned enough food breaks, last Friday was the big day!
Here are the edited highlights from an action-packed day of presentations, challenges, good food and great wine!
The business bit
The Cherries assembled at Hotel du Vin for breakfast and presentations about the company's future plans (with the exception of Adam B, who used his presentation as an excuse to blast out his favourite 80s tunes).
2015/16 has been a fanastic year for Cherry, but we've got plans to make 2016/17 even better!
The activities
After the presentations, we boarded the buses and set off for our mystery destination - Garlands Leisure in Atherstone. We were split into teams, given team tops and set three tasks to earn points for the final challenge.
Everyone's favourite activity was the hilarious powerturn buggies. Adam and Deep's wheelies very nearly took out the sheep and Katie slightly missed the aim of the task, mowing down flags left right and centre, much to competitive teammate Nigel's dismay! Amy also deserves a shout out for her rebellious behaviour in the tennis ball/drain pipe challenge, getting a telling off for continually going into the exclusion zone.
The green team came out on top in the final mini monster truck race, but it's fair to say everyone gave 100% and had a great time.
The aftermath
Back at Hotel du Vin, we enjoyed a lovely meal, gave out awards for the afternoons antics and celebrated Ed's birthday in style! With the afterparty lasting well into the early hours, we reckon Company Day 2016 is going to be a tough act to follow.
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