Following our enjoyment of  Gluf: Craft & Graft pt.1 in April, we were very much looking forward to the follow up event. Last Thursday, a gaggle of Cherries headed down to enjoy the second instalment of creative inspiration and chit-chat, brought to Birmingham by Glug and WE ARE GOODNESS.

The opening talk was from London-based creative partners Isabel & Helen, who demonstrated some of their work, focussing on installations and window displays using large, brutalist shapes, floating planets, black holes and other visually stunning and thought-provoking creations.

Emily Forgot followed, with a humble, yet positive overview of her work and inspirations. Emily openly discussed her tendency to go off on a tangent when researching, and how her findings often benefit the creative process for the project in mind, and provide future inspiration. With this also leading to the creation of one of her projects, It was refreshing to hear from someone her hasn't pigeon-holed herself, allowing her creativity to flow into many areas aside from her core work in illustration.

Closing up the evening's talks was Rob Lowe (not that one) of Supermundane. He gave a short overview of his work, along with his inpirations and a look back at his early days in the industry - using letraset and paste up techniques before the digital era. We enjoyed a selection of Rob's songs throughout his presentation, which was a joy for all, especially his song about kerning, which we got a copy of his lyrics sheet for! I strongly recommend checking out his work, and keep a look out for his line of socks coming out later this year too!

All in all, we had a great time, enjoyed all of the talks and had a wonderful evening catching up with friends and making new ones too. 

All images copyright Glug Events 2016. Photography by Jonathan Cherry

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