As an aspiring marketer gaining experience is one of the most valuable things to do. There are so many avenues to venture down, with agency marketing being known as the most exciting…
So this week I’m lucky enough to be part of the team of Cherries here in Birmingham. I have already learnt about many of the systems used to integrate all the areas of the team together, and I look forward to seeing the processes that happen on a weekly basis within the agency.
It’s safe to say that the office is one of the slickest I have ever seen. Each Cherry has their own character (which is even incorporated into the vibrant wallpaper and business cards), meeting rooms are enclosed with glass walls to keep in with the openness theme throughout the office and a there is even a fridge with beers stocked up for a Friday afternoon reward.
Anyway, time to get back to learning and I’ll be back at the end of the week to update you on my week as a Cherry!
Tasmin Boyce
Business Management and Marketing student at Nottingham Trent University
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