Meta's new app, Threads, has earned the distinction of being the fastest-growing app ever, achieving remarkable success within just two weeks. With an astonishing 70 million downloads within the first two days, the question remains, will this new app withstand the test of time?

Threads has rapidly gained immense popularity, thanks to its strategic positioning under the Meta umbrella, the parent company of Instagram. This deliberate integration with Instagram, a global social media powerhouse, has played a pivotal role in Threads' success. Seamlessly merging with Instagram, Threads enables users to effortlessly migrate their Instagram followers with a single click, enhancing accessibility and user-friendliness, and ensuring a smooth onboarding experience. The combination of Meta's support and Instagram's extensive user base has catapulted Threads into instant prominence in the tech sphere.

Another significant aspect is the striking resemblance between Threads and Twitter, which has led to numerous comparisons between the two platforms. Following Elon Musk's control over Twitter and the recent evolution of Twitter, it has been noted that the platform has experienced a state of chaos and unpredictability with policy decisions changing often.

In stark contrast, the fastest-growing app has invested significant engineering resources in refining its platform, resulting in a sleek, simple, and clean user experience. Meta's strategic approach to challenge and potentially surpass Twitter has yielded remarkable success, as Threads continues to amass considerable popularity and recognition. So another question to ask is, will Twitter survive?

Lastly, Threads sets itself apart from Twitter by presenting as a positive, less political, and well-moderated alternative. Unlike Twitter's inclination towards controversy, Threads resonates with users who prefer a different approach. The platform's commitment to upholding the same moderation standards as Instagram has received a favourable response from users and businesses. According to a Morning Consult survey, since its launch, 23% of Threads users have already made it their primary app.

The remarkable success of the new social media platform cannot be understated, as it accomplished the extraordinary feat of amassing one million users within a mere seven hours of its launch. In stark contrast, Twitter, a well-established platform, took a substantial two years to achieve a comparable user base. This astounding disparity in growth highlights the rapid adoption and immense appeal of Threads among users.

However, according to data from Sensor Tower, the app experienced a significant decline in performance within one-week post-launch. Daily active users plummeted by 20%, and there was a staggering 50% decrease in time spent on the app. These fluctuations raise valid questions about the long-term viability and sustainability of Threads in the ever-evolving landscape of social media platforms.

Only time will tell whether Threads can weather these challenges and endure the test of time. The ability of the platform to address user concerns, adapt to evolving trends, and consistently provide an engaging user experience will be crucial in determining its longevity and success. As the platform continues to evolve and grow, it will be fascinating to witness how Threads navigates these fluctuations and secures its position in the competitive social media landscape.

Should businesses be using Threads?

Quartz reports a staggering difference in the average engagement rates between Meta's new app and Twitter, with Meta's app showcasing an engagement rate over 22 times higher than that of Twitter. This notable disparity in engagement is of immense importance to businesses and brands seeking recognition and effective advertising. However, despite this impressive performance, some businesses are taking a cautious approach, choosing to wait until the platform demonstrates long-term sustainability before revamping their social media strategies.

By closely monitoring the platform's continued growth and user engagement trends, businesses can make informed decisions on when and how to optimise their social media strategies for maximum impact.

As the excitement surrounding Threads persists, we will be observing its ability to maintain its engagement rates over time, to provide us with valuable insights for strategic marketing planning.

Need help with your social media strategy? Get in touch with our social media agency Midlands at and kickstart your social channels.


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